Sunday worship is at 10 AM Iwith simulcast via Zoom. All are welcome!

Rev. David R. Czeisel
Instructions for logging on or connecting by phone to Sunday worship, as well as access to the worship bulletin, are available here.
Video recordings of previous worship services, as well as Children’s Sermons, are available on our YouTube channel.
Curious about the Christian faith? Feel a desire to explore your faith some more? Wondering what the faith journey is like for others? If so, the ALPHA course might be for you. ALPHA offers a comfortable, confidential, and informal setting for discussion and a meal each Thursday through March at 12:20 p.m. at Café Portofino, 249 Main Street, Northport. Come when you can. There is no charge and no obligation to come to every meeting. Visit the ALPHA website to dive a bit deeper.
DINNER CHURCH: Discover a source of warmth and renewal: Come to Dinner Church at 5:15 p.m. Wednesday, February 12, and Wednesday, February 26.
What is Dinner Church? It’s an invitation—an invitation to come together in love and fellowship in an informal setting. It’s a meal that feeds mind, body, and soul. It’s open to all—to people of all faiths and doubts, to people of all ages—to all people, to you! If you wish, bring a small dish, but there is no formal entry charge. Dinner Church happens each second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Questions? Call the church office at 631-262-0804.
BOOK DISCUSSION: Jimmy Carter’s “Faith.” Saturday, February 8, 9-11 a.m., downstairs in the parlor at St. Paul’s. Open to all! Call the office at 631-261-0804 and click here for more info.

As a member of the Ecumenical Lay Council (ELC) of Northport-East Northport, St. Paul’s supports the local food pantry, run by the ELC. You can help some 600-700 food-insecure people (our neighbors!) lead health and productive lives. Visit the ELC Food Pantry website for more info and a convenient way to donate funds.
St. Paul’s is collaborating with seven other Methodist churches in Suffolk County to provide a variety of ministries open to all! The North Shore Cooperative Parish webpage has information about events, Bible studies, prayer groups, book discussions, activities for kids, and more! Here’s a shortcut to the Parish Calendar.
We offer two weekly programs of Adult Study. ALL ARE WELCOME to both studies. No experience is necessary:
1) Wednesday Study Group, 7 PM, All are welcome!
Click on the book icon for more information.
2) Tuesday 5 PM to 6:30 PM: Join us for a study of Paul’s letter to the Romans. Click on the book icon for more information.
Are you planning a wedding or a baptism? St. Paul’s provides services for members and nonmembers alike. We ask that you download and fill out the appropriate form (for wedding, click here; for baptism, click here ). Send the completed form to the address provided on the form.
Did you know…? Almost 20 community groups call St. Paul’s home. The church’s Sanctuary, Fellowship Room, Church School building, and gymnasium provide space for programs benefiting hundreds of people each month. Read more here.
St. Paul’s in the press! Read the article in the current issue of New York Annual Conference publication, “The Vision Magazine,” a publication of the New York Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. The article features St. Paul’s and Pastor David’s vision.
LET’S MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Support The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), the nonprofit humanitarian arm of the United Methodist Church. 100% of donations go toward specific missions, not administrative costs. DONATE HERE.
Our Mission
We at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church are seeking to be a witness to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. We are committed to the sacred mission of calling disciples through Christian worship, education, and service. We are a family where faith expression, growth, and renewal challenge us to find ever new ways to serve God through service to God’s world wherever need is found.