Virtual Connection

Join us for worship service at 10 a.m.: in-person and live-streamed on Zoom. Instructions and access to the worship bulletin follow below. Recordings of scripture readings and sermons from previous worship services are available on our YouTube channel.

Instructions for virtual worship connection:

Bulletins for Worship Service Sunday, October 6, 10 a.m: regular print; large print. ((NOTE: This service will not be broadcast live. The sermon will be recorded and posted on our YouTube channel.)

Worship is live on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 818 1446 9508
Passcode: 911381 [The link will not be active before 9:45 AM on Sunday.]

OR Dial by your location
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 874 990 588; Find your local number:

Recordings of previous services are available here.