The Member Care ministry of St. Paul’s reaches out to congregants who are either facing difficult circumstances, such as illness, or celebrating a special occasion, such as a birth in the family. The Member Care Committee maintains a prayer list that includes the elderly or infirm who cannot leave home, those who are hospitalized or living with illness, and families who have suffered a loss.
For those who are homebound, the Committee sends copies of the Sunday service bulletin and sermon, birthday cards, and monthly thinking-of-you cards, accompanied by regular phone calls. The homebound receive hand-delivered copies of Upper Room, a daily devotional prayer booklet, as well as home-cooked meals every other month. Committee members also surprise homebound congregants with deliveries of unclaimed flowers from the altar following Sunday service.
People in the congregation who are celebrating a birth or mourning a death in the family receive cards. Grieving families are comforted by visits and food drop-offs from the Committee, which also coordinates church receptions after funerals.
In addition, the Committee provides refreshments for coffee hour after Palm Sunday service and organizes an Easter egg hunt for the Sunday School.