Sunday School and Youth Program

Sunday School Mission Statement

The mission of the St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Sunday School is to teach the word of God with affection so that children and youth may seek and find Him in their own lives; to serve families by inspiring life-long commitments to God’s word; and to give children and youth a spiritual foundation, preparing them for life in this world.

Sunday School and Youth Groups

St. Pauls’ comprehensive children and youth programs provide age-appropriate building blocks for strong faith and deepening understanding of Christian living in today’s world. Sunday School classes and Youth Group activities are open to all.

Sunday School

Conducted by dedicated and creative members of the congregation, Sunday School classes are offered for pre-Kindergarteners through high school age. Classes meet concurrently with morning worship during the school year, September through mid-June, in our spacious church school building adjacent to the sanctuary.

The Sunday School classes engage students in creative and interactive activities that stimulate their imagination and develop their curiosity, teamwork, and responsibility. The program brings to life and makes relevant stories and concepts underpinning Christian faith and living. In addition to activities in the classroom, the curriculum includes frequent involvement in Sunday morning worship services and other special events:

  • An Advent Party with age-appropriate art projects
  • The Christmas Pageant during Sunday Worship, in which students of all ages dramatize the Nativity story and help lead worship with Scripture readings and song
  • Palm Sunday celebration with palms distributed by the children, who also who sing an anthem as part of the service and lead a procession reenacting Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem at the start of Holy Week
  • Special Holy Week experiential lessons that combine all grades of the Sunday School
  • Children’s Day in June, culminating the Sunday School year and involving the students in leading readings and prayers
  • Community service projects, such as collecting food donations and delivering them to the Ecumenical Lay Council’s food pantry

Registration is held in early September, but of course, children may join at any time during the school year! For more information call the church office at 631-261-0804 or email


For more information, please contact the St. Paul’s office at 631-261-0804 or